first maps for marins outdoors
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first maps for marins outdoors
first maps for marins outdoors ll
345851825 208459515294301 6056481314723264678 n
345843589 1595081837624577 2760415782236237785 n
345950342 188775077394347 21467702809539624 n
345945735 3577282415848187 228219460631189736 n

first maps for marins outdoors im Album #b) B1 American ELF - Early Cunningham Homage (Race ATB & DH Klunking wide bar recap) 🔧🔗

photocredit@Wende Cragg

TBT...Does anyone remember using maps to navigate your ride? Listen up, kids! Yes, back in the day, we were old skool and depended on these obsolete, printed on paper visual aids to guide us over hill and dale. Uncharted territory was a tempting allure for the new sport we engaged in, klunking. We set our sights on the remote, untraveled countryside of Marin County, far away from the day hikers and equestrians. The further we ventured, the more comfortable we became with the lay of the land. .......

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17.12.2022, 07:43
#b) B1 American ELF - Early Cunningham Homage (Race ATB & DH Klunking wide bar recap) 🔧🔗

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